Friday, 3 July 2020

Simplified Udyam Registration Process for MSME

What is Udyam Registration?

Udyam registration is a new system introduced by the Ministry of Micro Small Medium Enterprises to assign status of micro, small or medium to enterprises in India. Government has various schemes & plans for development of MSME. Hence to implement these schemes & plans government need to verify the status of enterprises. 

Hence by introducing Udyam registration system, government can easily identify the updated status of enterprise. Whether fall under micro, small or medium category & accordingly provide the benefit to enterprise.

Hence we can say in simple words Udyam registration is a system developed by government to identify the updated status of each enterprise.

Why government introduced Udyam Registration?

Udyog Adhaar registration system was being used earlier to register for MSME, which generate registration on self declaration basis once, but after registration there was no change in status of enterprise also no system was available to track the latest status of enterprise. As no further information was available after registration.

Hence it was lacking in the following areas:-
  1. No updated information available.
  2. No status update functionality on the basis of current position of enterprise.
  3. Status allotted at the time of registration remains same even after increase in turnover & investment.
  4. No system to track the authenticity of turnover & investment by enterprise.
by introducing Udyam registration system, now :- 
  1. Status of enterprise will be updated automatically every year.
  2. Turnover & investment data will be fetched from income tax return & GST Return.
  3. Authenticity of investment & turnover checked automatically.
  4. Status of enterprise will be on the basis of authentic data. 

What are the documents Required for Udyam Registration?

Udyam registration is based only on adhaar number, totally paperless & online process. Hence no document is require to file on Udyam Registration portal. Only information relating to enterprise.

Points to be kept in mind while doing Udyam registration:

  1. No fee is payable for Udyam Registration.
  2. Permanent registration number will be allotted.
  3. PAN & GST linked detail of investment & turnover will be taken automatically from Government data.
  4. PAN & GST number is mandatory from 01st April 2021.
  5. Only one Udyam registration for one enterprise. Multiple Udyam registration not allowed.
  6. After completion of process an online "Udyam Registration Certificate" will be generated.
  7. No renewal is required for Udyam Registration.

Online Udyam Registration process for new enterprise:

  1. Click on the "For New entrepreneurs who are not registered yet as MSME" option available at home page.
  2. Enter aadhaar number for Prop/Partner/Karta/authorized person.
  3. Enter name of entrepreneur ?(Name should be as per Aadhaar)
  4. Click on Validate & Generate OTP.
  5. Enter OTP Code received on your linked mobile.
  6. Next step is to select type of organization from drop-down option (Prop/Partnership/HUF/Society etc)
  7. Then it will ask for PAN no, you have to confirm whether you have PAN, if you have then click on yes & enter PAN no and validate the same.
  8. Provide your mobile no & email id for communication in future.
  9. Also provide your social category, selection any one (General/SC/ST/OBC etc)
  10. Select your gender from available option (Male/Female/other)
  11. Then you will have to select whether physically challenged. (Yes or No)
  12. Under next column it will automatically fetch detail of your firm from GSTN portal based on the PAN no provided by you earlier. 
  13. Provide office address for communication.
  14. Status of your enterprise, whether business already commenced or not. If already commenced & GST registered then it will automatically fetch date of commencement from GST portal.
  15. Fill bank detail including Name, IFSC code & Account no.
  16. Then select Activity code by drop-down.
  17. Provide detail of nos of person employed.
  18. Investment & turnover detail will be automatically fetched from GST & Income Tax database.
  19. Whether you wish to register for government emarket portal GEM, just select your choice.
  20. Whether you wish to register for TReDS, just select your choice.
  21. On the basis of office address provided by you, District Industry Center will be automatically fetched.
  22. Click on declaration & then submit & final OTP.
  23. Validate by OTP received, now your organization is registered as Udyam & a certificate of your Udyam Registration you will receive.

Online Udyam Registration process for already registered enterprise:

  1. Click on the "For those already having registration as EM-II or UAM" option available at home page.
  2. Enter udyog aadhaar number.  
  3. Click on OTP option from Mobile or Email id as filled in application.
  4. Enter OTP Code.
  5. A confirmation message will show "Thanks for verifying your details, Please revisit us after sometime to complete the process. Your details are being confirmed."
  6. Visit again after sometime & login again with Udyog aadhaar no & OTP.
  7. Follow same process as for new registration mentioned above.

How to print Udyam Registration Certificate?

  1. Enter your Udyam Registration Number.
  2. Choose any one option for OTP ( One Time Password ).
  3. After clicking on 'Validate & Generate OTP' button, you will receive OTP on Selected Option.
  4. Enter OTP and click on 'Validate OTP & Print' button. When your entred OTP matches succssfully, you will be auto redirect to Print Certificate.


1. Whether any fee payable for Udyam Registration?
There is no fee is being charges by Government for Udyam Registration.

2. Whether mandatory to have PAN & GST for Udyam Registration.
PAN & GST is mandatory after 01st April 2021 till then its not mandatory to have PAN & GST.

3. Whether mobile no should be linked with aadhaar?
As Udyam registration is issued only on the basis of Aaadhaar no & OTP is sent to verify the applicant. Hence if mobile no is not linked then it will not be possible to verify. Without OTP application will not be processed. Hence first link mobile with aadhaar from aadhaar center & then apply for Udyam Registration.

4. Whether Udyam Registration having any validity period?
Udyam Registration is not having any validity period, it is issued once for an enterprise.

5. Whether require any renewal of Udyam registration certificate?
Udyam registration issued is not require to get renewed again. Its issued once & there is no such condition for renewal. 

6. Whether any Government fee is payable for Udyam registration?
Government is not charging any fee for Udyam registration. Hence NIL fee is payable for Udyam registration.

7.Whether already registered enterprise under udyog aadhar require to re-register for Udyam registration?
All enterprise already registered under udyog aadhar or new enterprise to get status of micro, small or medium enterprise is mandatory require to get itself registered on Udyam portal. Hence Udyam Registration is mandatory for all existing already registered enterprises as well.




Saturday, 27 June 2020



Udyam Registration 
Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises vide its notification dated 26th June 2020 has introduced "Udyam Registration". It covers classification of enterprises as micro, small and medium enterprises, specific form & procedure for filing memorandum. 

Udyam Registration will be effective from 01st July, 2020 & any person who intends to establish a micro, small or medium enterprises as per classification defined under this notification will be required to file online for Udyam Registration.

Some important points of Udyam Registration.
1. Any person who intends to establish a micro, small or medium enterprise may file Udyam Registration online on the Udyam Registration portal.
2. No documents, papers, certificate or proof required to upload.
3. On successful registration enterprise will be "Udyam".
4. All registered Udyam will be assigned a permanent identity number "Udyam Registration Number".
5. "Udyam Registration Certificate" shall be issued on successful completion of the registration process.

Classification of enterprises
An enterprise shall be classified as micro, small or medium enterprise on the basis of following criteria:


Where the investment in plant machinery or equipment 
does not exceed ONE Crore rupees AND turnover doesn't 
exceed FIVE Crore rupees.

Where the investment in plant machinery or equipment 
does not exceed TEN Crore rupees AND turnover doesn't 
exceed FIFTY Crore rupees.
Where the investment in plant machinery  or equipment
does not 
exceed FIFTY Crore rupees AND turnover doesn't 
exceed TWO HUNDRED & FIFTY Crore rupees.

A composite criteria of investment and turnover shall apply for classification of an enterprise as micro, small or medium.

If an enterprise crosses the ceiling limits specified for its present category in either of the two criteria of investment or turnover, it will cease to exist in that category and be placed in the next higher category but shall not be placed in lower category unless it goes below the ceiling limits in both criteria.

All units registered under GST portal for same PAN shall be collectively treated as one enterprises and turnover and investment for all such entities shall be seen together and only the aggregate values will be considered for deciding the category.

Calculation of investment in plant and machinery or equipment:-
1. Calculation of investment will be linked to the ITR of the previous years filed under Income Taxt Act, 1961.
2. If new enterprise & no ITR filed till date then investment will be based on self declaration and such relaxation shall end after 31st March of F. Y. first ITR filed.
3. The purchase value of plants & machinery shall be taken excluding GST.
4. The cost of certain items specified in the Explanation I to sub-section (1) of section 7 of the Act shall be excluded from the calculation of the amount of investment in plant and machinery.  

Calculation of turnover:-
1. Export of goods or services or both, shall be excluded for turnover calculation.
2. Turnover shall be linked to the Income Tax or CGST and the GSTIN.
3. If enterprise don't have PAN then turnover will be on self declaration bass for period upto 31st March 2021, after that PAN & GSTIN shall be mandatory.

Process of Udyam Registration:-
1. First visit Udyam Registratin Portal.
2. Aadhaar number shall be mandatory for Udyam Registration.
3. Aadhaar for proprietor in case of proprietorship, for managing partner in case of partnership firm and for karta in case of a HUF.
4. If Company or LLP or other organisation then its authorised signatory shall provide its GSTIN and PAN along with his Aadhaar number.
5. No enterprise shall file more than one Udyam Registration.
6. Any number of activities can be added in one Udyam Registration.
7. If wrong information or misrepresents provided in Udyam Registration shall be liable to such penalty as specified under section 27 of the Act.

Registration requirements for existing enterprises:-
1. All existing enterprises registered till 30th June 2020 shall be required to register again on the Udyam Registration portal on or after the 01st day of July, 2020.
2. All enterprises registered till 30th June 2020 shall be re-classified in accordance with this notification.
3. All existing enterprise registered prior to 30th June 2020 shall continue to be valid only for a period upto 31st day of March, 2021.

Update of information & filing of return:-
1. Any enterprise registered under Udyam shall update its information online on the portal including the details of ITR and GST return for the previous F.Y. & other information as required.
2. If enterprise not update relevant information online on Udyam Registration portal within time then its status will be suspended.
3. On the basis of information furnished & from ITR or GST return, status of enterprise will be updated accordingly.
4. If any change in status of an enterprise that will be communicated for the same.

Grievance Redressal and facilitation:-
The Champion control room.
Office of the Ministry of MSME. 
District industries centers (DICs).
All will act as single window facilitation systems. 

Reference The gazette of India no CG-DL-E-26062020-220191.



Friday, 26 June 2020




This DEED OF PARTNERSHIP is executed on the [ Mention date of execution]  between: Mr. ................. S/o Shri ..................... aged about ...... Years, residing at [Mention address here] (hereinafter referred to as the FIRST PARTY)

                                                      A N D

Mr ................ S/o Shri ................. aged about ...... years, residing at [Mention address here]  (hereinafter referred to as the SECOND PARTY)


WHEREAS both the parties have decided to enter into a partnership for carrying on the business mentioned in the objects clause of this Deed of partnership:

WHEREAS the partners agree that this deed of partnership shall be deemed to have come into force on the day [Mention date here].

WHEREAS the partners have decided to reduce the terms and conditions of their partnership into writing as per the terms and conditions appearing hereinafter:


1. Commencement of partnership

The parties hereby agree that the partnership firm shall (be deemed to have or) come into force on the [Mention date here].

 2. Name and Style

The partnership shall carry on business in the name and style of "(Mention name of firm)".

 3. Objects of the partnership

The partnership shall carry on the business of .....................[Mention list of products or services] or such other goods as may be agreed upon by the partners from time to time.

 4. Principal place of business

The partnership firm shall carry on its business from its principal place of business at [Address of the partnership firm] or at such other place/places as the partners may, from time to time, decide.

 5. Capital contribution

(i) The partners have agreed that each of them shall contribute a sum of Rs. [mention amount agreed to contribute by each partner] to the capital of the firm as their capital contribution.

 6. Loans by Partners

On amounts specifically brought in as loans to the firm by the partners, simple interest of [mention rate of interest] (per annum ) shall be payable.

 7. Remuneration of partners.

The partners will mutually decide, from time to time, the work to be undertaken by each of them, Remuneration payable to the partners for the work done by them shall be decided by the partners mutually from time to time.

 8. Accounts & Profit / Loss

(i) Proper books of account shall be maintained in the usual course of business and the same shall be closed once in a year to ascertain the net profit or loss of the firm for that year and they shall be kept at the place of business and either partner shall have access to all the books of accounts of the firm at all reasonable times and shall be at liberty to take copies of the same. The parties have agreed to share profits/ losses in the following proportion:

FIRST PARTY : [mentioned % of share]

SECOND PARTY : [mentioned % of share]

 9. Duration of partnership.

The partnership shall be one at will .

 10. Borrowing powers.

The firm may raise funds from any banks, financial institutions and other private parties for the purpose of the business of the firm and all the documents shall be signed by both the partners.

 11. Bank Accounts

(i) The firm may open one or more bank accounts and such accounts/s shall be operated by the both partners.

 12. Except to the extent mentioned herein above, the provisions of the Indian, Partnership Act, 1932 shall be applicable to the firm and the partners.

 13. No partner can sell or mortgage or transfer or assign his share or interest in the partnership property or business without the written consent of the other partner.

 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands this [Mention date here].



 First Party                                                                  Second Party






Disclaimer:- The above article is only for knowledge sharing and it can be modified as per the requirements. In no event Author will be liable for any direct or indirect result.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

TDS return filing date extended for fourth quarter of FY 2019-20


CBDT has issued a Notification No.35 /2020/ F. No. 370142/23/2020-TPL dated 24th June 2020 by this notification following time limits have been extended for TDS returns & certificates under Income Tax Act:

  • TDS return for the 4th quarter is require to be filed upto 31st May every year, but due to COVID19 issue, this time date for furnishing TDS/TCS return for the Fourth Quarter (Last quarter of F.Y. 2019-20) has been extended upto 31st July 2020;

  • TDS return for the government offices for 4th quarter is require to be filed upto 31st May every year, but due to COVID19 issue, this time date for furnishing TDS/TCS return for government offices for the Fourth Quarter (Last quarter of F.Y. 2019-20) has been extended upto 15th July 2020;

  • Furnishing of TDS certificate in respect of deduction of tax during the last quarter can be issued till 15th August 2020, including Form 16 for employees. 

ITR Filing date extended again


CBDT has issued a Notification No.35 /2020/ F. No. 370142/23/2020-TPL dated 24th June 2020 by this notification following time limits extended for ITR related under Income Tax Act:

  • Due date for filing income tax return for the financial year 2018-19 has been extended upto 31st day of July 2020;
  • Due date for filing income tax return for the financial year 2019-20 has been extended upto 30th day of November 2020;
  • Due date for furnishing of audit report under any provision of Income Tax for Financial year 2019-20 has been extended to 31st day of October, 2020;
  • Interest liability is waived off under section 234A in cases where self assessment tax is upto 1 lakh rupees for financial year 2019-20;
  • Deductions under chapter VI-A like 80C, 80D, 80G, 80U etc can now be made upto 31st day of July 2020 for financial year 2019-20;
  • Deductions under section 54 or 54B has been extended to 30th September 2020 for investment falling between 20th March 2020 to 29th September 2020;

Monday, 22 June 2020

MCA further extension of time for name reserved & resubmission of forms

Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) further extended the validity of Name reserved & also extra time for resubmission of forms.

Extension for Name Reserved under SPICE +(for Incorporation)

For incorporation of new company under SPICE+, Part A filed for name reservation. After name reservation Part B of SPICE+ is require to be filed within 20 days after Part A approval.

But due to lockdown if you didn't file Part B within the available tenure of 20 days.

MCA provided relief to all names expiring between 15th March 2020 to 30th June 2020. TWENTY days time for filing SPICE+ Part B commence from 01st July 2020.

Hence SPICE+ Part B can be filed upto 20th July 2020.

Extension for Name Reserved under RUN (Company Name Change)

To change name of any existing company. RUN is required to be filed to get new name approval and name approved under RUN is valid for 60 days from name reserved and INC 24 is to be filed within this reserved 60 days tenure.

Due to lockdown if didn't file INC 24 within the available tenure of 60 days.

MCA provided relief to all names expiring between 15th March 2020 to 30th June 2020. SIXTY days time for filing INC 24 commence from 01st July 2020.

Hence INC 24 can be filed upto 29th August 2020.

Extension for RESUB (Resubmission) Validity (For Companies)

Whenever any SRN is filed & marked for resubmission is to be resubmitted within 15 days from the date of such resubmission asked for. But if you are not able to file resubmission against any such form due to lockdown.

MCA provided a extra time to all such SRN, Where last date of resubmission falls between 15th March 2020 to 30th June 2020. Fifteen days time for resubmitting it.

Hence RESUB form can be filed upto 15th July 2020.

Extension of Name Reserved for New LLP Incorporation or Change of existing LLP

Form FiLLiP or LLP 5 needs to be filed within 90 days of name reserved as the case may be. And if not filed due to lockdown.

and names expiring any day between 15th March 2020 to 30th June 2020. TWENTY days additional time for filing Form FiLLiP or LLP 5 commence from 01st July 2020.

Hence Form FiLLiP or LLP 5 can be filed upto 20th July 2020.

Extension for RESUB (Resubmission) Validity (For LLP)

Whenever any SRN is filed & marked for resubmission is to be resubmitted within 30 days from the date of such resubmission asked for. But if you didn't file resubmission against any such SRN due to lockdown.

MCA provided extra time to for all such SRN, Where last date of resubmission falls between 15th March 2020 to 30th June 2020. Fifteen days time for resubmitting it beyond 30th June 2020.

Hence RESUB form can be filed upto 15th July 2020 for LLP as well.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

क्या फल और सब्जियों पर चिपके स्टिकर सुरक्षित हैं?


आजकल जब भी हम फल या सब्जियां खरीदने के लिए बाजार जाते हैं। आपने देखा होगा कि कुछ विक्रेता ऐसे फल या सब्जिया बेच रहे हैं, जिन पर स्टिकर चिपका होता है। पहले ऐसा नहीं था, यह प्रवृत्ति कुछ साल पहले ही भारत में आई है । जब भारतीय व्यापारीयों  ने भारतीय बाजार में बेचने के लिए फलों का आयात शुरू किया। विदेशी विक्रेता उत्पादों को ट्रैक करने और उत्पादों की गुणवत्ता में अंतर करने के लिए स्टिकर का उपयोग कर रहे थे। 

उत्पाद की गुणवत्ता के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए स्टिकर का उपयोग एक उपकरण के रूप में किया गया है । लेकिन अब भारत में ज्यादातर विक्रेता अपने उत्पादों को प्रीमियम दिखाने के लिए या उत्पाद में मौजूद कमियों को छिपाने के लिए उपयोग कर रहे है। हम कह सकते हैं कि हमारे बाजार में स्टिकर का दुरुपयोग किया जा रहा है, बस खरीदार को मूर्ख बनाने के लिए। स्टिकर के अंतिम उद्देश्य को यहां पराजित किया जा रहा है। 

उपभोक्ता स्वास्थ्य पर प्रभाव

स्टिकर चिपकने वाले पदार्थ के साथ फल और सब्जीयों की त्वचा पर लगाए जाते हैं। स्टिकर चिपकाने के लिए प्रयुक्त गोंद उपभोक्ता के लिए हानिकारक हो सकता है। यह भी संभव है कि फल या सब्जी के साथ गोंद का भी सेवन किया जाए। गोंद में हानिकारक रसायन मौजूद होते हैं। खुले बाजार में बेचे जा रहे फल और सब्जियां सीधे धूप, गर्मी आदि के संपर्क मे आते हैं और संभव है कि गोंद का रसायन उत्पाद में प्रवेश कर जाए।

उपभोक्ता को उनके स्वास्थ्य पर स्टीकर के प्रभाव को कम करने के लिए सलाह

  • यह आवश्यक नहीं है कि स्टिकर वाले उत्पाद प्रीमियम गुणवत्ता के हों, उन्हें खरीदने से पहले गुणवत्ता की जांच अवश्य कर लेनी चाहिए। केवल स्टिकर पर भरोसा न करें।
  • हमेशा उपभोग करने से पहले फल और सब्जियों से स्टिकर हटा दें।
  • हमेशा उपभोग से पहले फलों और सब्जियों को साफ पानी से धोएं।
  • फलों और सब्जियों की त्वचा को छीलना या काटना चाहिए, विशेष रूप से वह क्षेत्र जहाँ स्टिकर चिपकाया होता है ।
  • स्टिकर वाले फल और सब्जियां खरीदने से बचें, यदि आपको बिना स्टिकर के बेहतर गुणवत्ता वाले फल और सब्जियां  उपलब्ध है ।
  • स्टिकर वाली ओर बिना स्टिकर वाली फल और सब्जियों में स्टिकर वाली बेहतर गुणवत्ता की ही है यह मानसिकता बदलें।
  • हमेशा विक्रेता बिना स्टिकर की फल ओर सब्जियों की मांग करे ।

स्टीकर के लिए व्यापारियों को सलाह

  • यदि कोई प्रासंगिक जानकारी स्टिकर द्वारा प्रदान नहीं की जा रही है तो स्टिकर के उपयोग से बचें।
  • फल या सब्जी की त्वचा पर सीधे स्टिकर का उपयोग करने से बचें।
  • फलों और सब्जीयों पर स्टिकर को  सीधे चिपकाने से बचने के लिए किसी भी कार्यात्मक अवरोध का उपयोग किया जाना चाहिए।
  • बेहतर क्वालिटी की स्याही वाले स्टिकर का इस्तेमाल करें। जो भोजन में नहीं जाती हैं।
  • गोंद ऐसा होना चाहिए जो मानव स्वास्थ्य पर हानिकारक या प्रतिकूल प्रभाव न डाले ।
  • स्टीकर के उपयोग, स्टीकर के हानिकारक प्रभाव आदि के बारे में उपभोक्ता को शिक्षित करें।
  • स्टिकर के अन्य किसी विकल्प का पता लगाने की कोशिश करें।


उपरोक्त चर्चा के बाद, यह निष्कर्ष निकलता है कि स्टिकर वाले उत्पादों से बचना हमेशा बेहतर होता है। हमें स्टिकर वाले उत्पादों के अलावा अन्य बगैर स्टिकर वाले फल ओर सब्जियां ही खरीदनी चाहिए। यदि उपभोक्ता बिना स्टिकर वाले खाद्य पदार्थ और सब्जियां खरीदना शुरू कर देता है तो विक्रेता स्वयं ही स्टिकर के उपयोग को कम कर देगा। स्टिकर वाले उत्पाद केवल तभी खरीदें जब आपके पास कोई अन्य विकल्प न हो। स्टिकर के हानिकारक प्रभाव को कम करने या हटाने के लिए विशेष सावधानियाँ बर्तनी चाहिए। 
एक बार विचार करें ओर सोचें कि क्या उपभोक्ता की सिर्फ सोच को बदलने के लिए तो स्टिकर का प्रयोग नहीं किया जा रहा ?

संदर्भ: - एफएसएसएआई द्वारा मार्गदर्शन नोट